Farmland Assessment

What is Farmland Assessment?

The Farmland Assessment Act of 1964 is a cornerstone of New Jersey’s preservation of its agricultural foundation.

Farmland Assessment allows for the taxation of land “actively devoted to agriculture or horticultural use” to be assessed on the basis of its use value in agriculture, rather than its full market valuation.

Assessing farmland this way plays a critical role in keeping NJ green.

Does a woodlot qualify as a “Farm?”

In 1986, a provision was added requiring landowners whose property is more than 50% wooded, to establish and comply with a Forest Management Plan

This change allows landowners to benefit from preferential tax treatment without engaging in traditional agriculture, such as growing crops or dairy farming.

Can I qualify for Farmland Assessment?

There are several basic requirements anyone applying for Farmland Assessment must meet:

  • Applicant must own the land.

  • Landowner must annually apply for Farmland Assessment with their township or borough’s tax assessor.

  • Land must consist of at least 5 contiguous acres of farmland and/or land managed under a Forest Management Plan (land associated with a home site does not count towards the 5-acre minimum).

Additional Eligibility Requirements can be found here

Every Property is Unique! Contact Us to learn how your land fits into the Farmland Assessment program