Basal Bark &
Cut Stump Application
Basal Bark and Cut stump spraying is effective from July 1 until wintery conditions, usually around the end of October. (Temperatures must remain above freezing for at least 24 hours after application for herbicide to be effective.)
The following instructions can be used to treat the following species:
-Identify the area to be sprayed and take “before” pictures, if desired
-Calculate the measurements of Herbicide and Dye. ALWAYS FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON LABEL
-Mix together thoroughly by agitating sprayer with lid on
-Spray Target Species, using a low-volume nozzle, taking care not to overspray herbicide onto any other plants. Pathfinder II will weaken or kill all types of plants if it touches the bark. (Overspray can be very common, especially when spraying vines.)
Pathfinder II is pre-mixed and does not need any water added to it
1 ounce of dye per 1 gallon of Pathfinder II
For Basal Bark Application
Spray 360° around the trunk, starting where the trunk meets the soil to about 6” up.
For Cut Stump Application
Spray a ring around the outside of the stump 24 hours after the tree or shrub has been cut.
-Pathfinder II is ineffective on soil or leaves. It only works when applied directly to the bark
-Store and Dispose of extra herbicide according to manufacturer’s instructions
-Results are slower than other herbicides and can take 6 weeks up to one full growing season
Sprayer can be purchased through Arborchem or at local retailers
For Larger Basal Bark or Cut Stump projects, this Forestry Basal Bundle from Arborchem may be a good option