Learn More about FSI
How to choose what trees to cut down
Choosing what trees to remove from the forest can be a daunting task, so to simplify the process, asking some basic questions is a good place to start:
1. Are there any trees that contain disease or pests that are going to die soon?
Removing trees that contain diseases that can spread to other healthy trees or trees that are going to die soon without any human input are easy places to start your FSI.
Two common examples of “no-brainer” FSI trees to cut are black birch that contain the fungal disease nectria canker or white ash trees that contain Emerald Ash Borer.
Nectria Canker on black birch Emerald Ash Borer infested White Ash
2. What is the level of stocking within my forest?
As with any living thing, trees need a certain amount of space around them to thrive. Since all the trees within the forest are competing for the same resources (soil nutrients, water, and sunlight), having too many trees per acre can slow the growth of the entire forest.
Too many big trees in the overstory, with all of their branches touching, can hinder the future growth of the forest because the leaves in a closed canopy block much of the sunlight the smaller trees in the midstory and understory need to get established and to grow.
Though it can seem counterintuitive to cut down trees to get more trees, oftentimes removing some competition within the woods will benefit the ecosystem in the long run.
Determining how many trees to remove during FSI to ensure the greatest benefit to the forest will depend on your Stocking Level, which can be found in your Management Plan.
3. What is my long-term goal for the forest?
There are several goals that FSI can work to achieve, depending on what you would like your land to provide in the future. FSI can be achieved to increase:
Healthy crop trees for a timber harvest in the future
Enhance visual aesthetics
Increased health and diversity of the trees and other plant species
Improve wildlife habitat in the moment and for the future
Contact Us for more a more in-depth conversation about FSI on your property or to hire R&V to carry out the FSI in your Management Plan